First Javascript post ever! Wohoooo… I guess… Or not. I actually hate it, rather passionately too ( especially after trying typescript ). Anyway, I’ve done this little simulation after the first day Robot Motion Control and Planning class. It simulates the behaviours of 3 different bug algorithms ; Bug 0, Bug 1 and Bug…
Soooo guess it’s time to learn some Javascript eh? Now that even Anders Hejlsberg doing it. Just in case you don’t know, TypeScript, created by Ander Hejlsberg, is a typed superset of Javascript with a much more C#-like flow and ECMA standards. Pretty much like CoffeeScript one might say. Or somewhat comparable to Dart I…
Towel Progress Update
Well not really a progress update, but I just wanted to post the latest setup. ( I really don’t want this to rot on my hdd like that ). I haven’t worked on this one for a while now. Kinda lost interest. Especially after not being able to find a decent flash developer to make…
Metro Style Application & Horizontal Scrolling
So I’ve been playing with Windows 8 and WinRT for a while now, had a little problem the other day and thought it would worth to post the workaround I found. If you ever saw a metro style application demonstration, you probably noticed that applications using metro design style prefers horizontal scrolling over vertical for…
Map Generator source code is available now!
So I just noticed I haven’t even opened the map generator project for a looong time so decided to open-source it instead of just letting it rot on my hdd. I mean why not, right? -What is this? Blog posts about this project; Part 1 – Introduction Part 2 – Creating the Island Part…
Skinning a WPF Application
Hello again! This time I’ll talk a little about skinning/theming a WPF application. I honestly believe this is an important feature for WPF application for a few reasons ; 1) It’s really easy to do so there is no excuse for not doing it 2) Visualization is supposed to be the strong suit of any…
Glaring Path Animation
So we created a glare effect on standard border in previous post but that insipid, boring border with rounded corners looked terrible. In this post, we’ll try to improve the shape, keeping the same old glaring effect we created. We can’t change the shape of a border in WPF but we can use some other…
Glaring Border Animation
I’ll start with a little UI trick for this series, glaring techy borders! ( I’m not even sure if “glaring” is the right word for it but anyway ) So I’ve been trying to get a light blue high-tech UI style for Towel as it fits the sci-fi ( or Starcraft 2 ) theme…
Towel, E-sports Aggregator
A towel, it says, is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have. It has been a while since my last post eh? I have been working non-stop but unfortunately was too lazy to blog about stuff I’m working on. But well, now that I have a little more free time,…
Coordinate Calculations in Hexagonal World 2
OK so I talked about hexagonal coordinate system in my previous post but actually there are more than just one way to do it. The one I used in my previous post ( let’s call it standard ) is probably the most straight forward and simplest way to do it. It’s also pretty much my…