Welcome back to the fourth part; Water layer, Git page, bug fixes and more! -First of all, I finally created a git page for our little PokemonGo clone! You can find the latest fixes and updates, file bug reports, post feature requests there. I’ll be using it extensively so have no worries or hesitations about…
Author: brnkhy
PokemonGo clone using Mapzen – Part 3: Dynamic Tile Loader
As you may know, we already created a basic tile loader , player character and 3D buildings in the first two posts. Now we’ll try something a little more different, a dynamic tile loader. Admittedly I had no idea what to call it, “dynamic” might not be the best word here but couldn’t come up…
PokemonGo clone using Mapzen – Part 2: 3D Buildings
In this second part, I added a player character and 3D buildings to our cute little PokemonGo clone! It’ll be a short post really. I used the Ethan model from “Standard Assets” package. All I did was importing the package, simple as that. It works with WASD controls at the moment as that’s the easiest…
PokemonGo clone using Mapzen – Part 1: Basics
So my last post from 2014 December kinda exploded after the PokemonGo craziness and I decided to fix&improve it further. I’ll try to make a little blog post series on this one, starting with fixing/refactoring the old sample and then moving further and adding character movement, dynamic tile loader etc etc. I’m planning to have…
OpenStreetMap in Unity3D
Edit: New Post PokemonGO – Mapzen Post (26.07.2016) This time I have something a little bit different; OpenStreetMap in Unity3D! If you don’t know what OpenStreetMap is (well I didn’t until last week); it’s a crowd sourced map api created and supported by what seems to be a quite big community. So you can think…
Random Planet Generator
So me and my collague found this brilliant blog post; Procedural Planet Generation by Andy Gainey a few days ago. Even though it looks beautiful and stuff, it’s written in javascript which isn’t a popular development platform here, so we decided to convert it to C# & Unity3D. We’ve only done the icosahedron subdivision part…
bTube – 2D Texture Shader
Before I start, I must say that I know nothing about shaders at all and I managed to get this together googling & asking my friends all the way. So I’m hardly a reliable source on this topic but still thought it’s worth sharing so here we go… If you played bTube, you must have…
Banner Saga Caravan Movement
So I’ve been playing Banner Saga for a few days.I found the gameplay to be rather boring and underwhelming but as a winter person I kept playing just for the winter/snow scenes.Brilliant art, good writing, great scenes etc. One of my favorite things for me was the caravan scenes, Doesn’t that looks BEAUTIFUL? Yea they…
Voronoi in Unity
Hey there! Well I’ll keep this one short. I just got bored last week and decided to play with unity a bit.I had the idea of converting my map generator stuff into Unity for a long time now but never had chance/time to do so.And yea started with Voronoi stuff. Turns out that my old…